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PAUL has been in full time Christian work since 1994, aiming to present the truth of the Christian message in an engaging way. He works with schools & churches locally and nationally, using the skills that God has equipped him with including; Storytelling, Puppetry, Ventriloquism, Juggling and even riding a unicycle.
NATIONALLY: PAUL his wife VANESSA are Directors of Children Worldwide Along with many other church based events, Paul has also created The BIG & BOLD Roadshow, a fun family show ... with a Twist. Ideal for churches wanting an event that connects with families in the local community..
LOCALLY: Paul’s works primarily in primary schools, making connections with local churches. Paul currently visits 32 primary schools regularly, on behalf of a number of churches, leading whole school assemblies and RE lessons. Seeing around 10,000 children and staff each month.
More details about Paul's work at www.paulwillmott.com.
“I am delighted to commend Paul’s ministry. He is a gifted communicator with children, and has a rare talent of conveying truth to all ages.” Dave Pope Founder of the Saltmine Trust.